Tag Archives: Ava Anderson

A new venture…

d.luxe designs is branching out to the natural product world.  Over the past several years I have been doing a lot of research about the things I put inside and on the outside of my body.  In doing this I have discovered a lot of scary truths and urge everyone to look into it as well.  We are taking in so many chemicals on a daily basis from our products alone, never mind the amount already in the environment that we constantly breath in.

The best way to make a change is to contact your local politician and voice you concerns and to vote every time you make a purchase.   With this being said, I have decided to become an Ava Anderson consultant.  Please go to http://www.avaandersonnontoxic.com/jdrohan for more information.  We sell cleaning, beauty, and everyday products for yourself, babies, families, and even pets.

Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/dluxelifestylenontoxic

Contact me if you have any questions!


Ava Anderson Skin Ava Anderson Sun Ava Anderson Scent Ava Anderson Pet Ava Anderson Hair Ava Anderson Face Ava Anderson Body Ava Anderson Baby